Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wondering about what Facebook phone is all about??

Wanted to know but didn't know whom to ask??
Many of us haven't realized the promotional video on Facebook home page before we log in. Either we are too connected or we have forgotten where the log out button is. Yap, Facebook now finally shows what the Facebook Phone is about!! The  video that was posted by Facebook on the launch day shows how your next phone (i.e.. Facebook Phone )will look like.Replacing the old perspective from "connecting people" to "putting people first and then apps " seems to be the main theme of the Facebook Phone. 

Facebook phone is not really a phone and Facebook user really don't have to buy a new phone.Instead, the Facebook phone is an application called Facebook home,which runs in android operating system in which the Facebook home becomes the main way to use a phone as shown in the video. But the Facebook user from apple iPhone have no any signal of getting this application in their apple store. Facebook home is  available in the Google play mobile store.
Take a look at this video.

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